I found out I need surgery

 I found out I need surgery

December 6, 2021 

     About two weeks ago, I went to the doctors office to see what was going on with my nose and this news was something I have heard before. When I was about 12 years old I had this surgery. The doctors took out my tonsils, adenoids, and this was the main procedure, a poll up  removal. Usually when you get the poll up removal done, it is unlikely it will come back, but of course it came back with me. The first time it blew up the right side of my face and my eye was swollen shut. It was like a balloon on one side of my face and the other side was completely fine. My family and I were very concerned with what had happened so we went to an ENT (ear, nose, and throat doctor) to see what was wrong. 

     I was scared to hear it the word poll up because I was so young and I did not understand what it meant at the time. Overall, it is not a major procedure, but it is a sinus blocker. It has caused me over these past two years to not be able to breath out of the left side of my nose. I am only able to breath out of the right side. But most of the time the blockage from the left goes to the right side. It began on the right side and now it is on the left side. I am happy that they put me under for this procedure because I do not want to hear a drill going off on the inside of my nose. 

     Although I am a little nervous about getting surgery, I am very happy I will be able to breath out of both sides of my nose again. Only being able to breath out of one side and sometimes having to breath through my mouth has been miserable. I got to the point where I was completely done with this and I told the doctor I wanted this gone and my doctor agreed. The procedure will only take an hour and I will be out of there right after. 


  1. Whoa! I hope all goes well, Blaze, and I will keep you in my prayers ;)


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