Making The Spring Baseball Team

Thursday, October 21, 2021

 Making the Spring Baseball Team

On Tuesday, October 19th, I had an exit meeting for fall baseball for Purdue University Northwest. It was a quick five minute meeting, but it had me on the balls of my feet. I was so anxious as to whether or not I had made the Spring baseball team. Coach Dave said he was only taking 35 for the whole Spring, but only 20-25 for the travel roster. When coach had called me in at 9:15 a.m. I was starting to get very nervous if I had made both the spring team and the travel roster. I was thinking to myself in a very positive way and I knew I could do it, but it was in coaches hands. Would he take me for both?

Coach had started to speak and he asked me, "How do you think the fall went for you?" 

I said, "I believe I had a pretty good fall, but I need to work on hitting still."

Coach said, "I agree, you also need to work on bunting and maintain your speed."

I agreed with coach and he then proceeded to say you made the spring team and travel roster. The joy on my face said it all. I was so excited. Not many kids my age come into college as a freshman and get the opportunity I had worked so hard for. Although I may not start, I know I will see sometime as a freshman and many kids my age can not say that they have ever had that opportunity. I am so excited that I made the switch from North Park University to Purdue University Northwest because I am just provided so much more opportunity. Never would I have thought I would be here, but I am and I am making new friends and building bonds everyday!

I told my parents as soon as I left the coaches office and they texted me they are so proud and they texted all of my family to let them know. I got the biggest hugs when I got home and they congratulated me as soon as I walked through the door. All the stress, hard work, extra hours are starting to pay off and I have never been so excited. the long days suck, but in the end all of it will be worth it!

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