Halloween Weekend at Indiana University

 Halloween Weekend at Indiana University

Monday, November 1, 2021

Halloween Weekend at Indiana University

    On Friday, October 29th, 2021, I left with my best friend Sergio to Indiana University Bloomington for Halloween weekend. The drive down actually was not that bad, we just listened to music and talked the whole three hour drive. As soon as we got down there we met up with one of our buddies that we were staying with Justin. He is on the wakeboard team at Indiana University and he is a sophomore there. He actually went to Purdue University Northwest last year. When we got in his room, we set up the bed and made sure when we got home later that night we were already going to be ready for bed. We also played Mario on his Wii for a little while before we went out to the parties. The worst part about going to Indiana University is that it is such a big campus and you have to walk everywhere you want to go or you buy out a scooter called a "bird." 

    When we walked the thirty minutes to the wakeboard house party at 11:00p.m., there was already a tone of people there. The music was loud and the party was growing and growing. There was a big group in the middle dancing while the music was playing and other people were outside just having conversation. I was one of the people in the big group dancing in the middle. I was having a blast it was for sure one of the best parties/experiences I have ever had/been to. I never wanted the party to end. Around 1:00a.m. everyone started to leave because there was just to many people and there was more parties going on. My two buddies and I started to walk back to the dorms and when we got back, we played Mario again and just talked. 

    On Saturday, we went to three parties in the same day. We left Justin's dorm around 8:00p.m. and we did not get home until about 5:00a.m.. We were going from party to party and I kept on seeing more and more people I knew from back home. I saw right around twenty five people I knew and I talked to all of them. It was great to catch up with some people I hadn't seen in a while and it was nice to be partying with them. The time flew bye while I was at Indiana University, but I will be back! 

Amazon.com : Indiana University Logo Flag : Sports & Outdoors


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