Birthday Week

 Monday, October 4, 2021

    Birthday Week

Last week Friday, October 1, 2021 was my birthday. I was expecting a big weekend going out with friends and having a good time. I ended up doing absolutely nothing. I relaxed all day in bed and did not do a thing. I went out with friends on Saturday, but Friday I did not. I just turned nineteen years old and it felt like another day. I don't feel any older than before which is a good thing. My body just needed a break from everything and it got a nice break on Friday. 

I watched the show Squid Games and it is one of the best shows I've ever seen. The action that is within it is unbelievable and I am very happy that this show came out, but I need more episodes because I already watched all of them! I am not a big television person either. I do not watch anything unless it is NFL games or when I am very bored. But this show is had me hooked and I could not stop watching it. By far one of my top three shows that I have ever watched. 

Lastly, yesterday on Sunday, we had a few family and friends over to just have a little celebration for me. I was very happy to see everyone that had came to celebrate my birthday with me. I was very happy that my Papi was able to come out because he lives in Chicago and his car usually has some problems. I was talking to him for a while about a dune buggy he wants to get and he told me he is very close to buying it. I am happy for him because he has struggled in the past and now he is living life to the fullest and he is enjoying life a lot more now and I am happy for him. NFL - Home | Facebook


  1. I just finished ep 4 of Squid Games. WHOA. It's wild. It's tough, too! What is it abou the show that got you hooked?


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