Personal Essay

 Monday, September 27, 2021

    Personal Essay

After writing my rough draft of my essay, I am feeling happy that I will receive a good grade, but I also an emotional mess about what I wrote about. I wrote about how my grandfather had passed away from cancer, but I needed to write about it and just let out my emotions. I've been holding all of this in for just a little under a year now and for me to write about him just let some weight off of my shoulders. It was so stressful because doctors were never giving us straight answers about what was going on and it was an emotional roller coaster for me while we thought he would get better and then he would get worse. I am very thankful for the man he was and what he had done for our family. 

One thing I remembered which he always loved to do was go outside with my grandmother and they would just go on the swing and swing away. They would sit there and look at the bright blue sky during the day and at night they would star gaze and look at the sun set at night. I would just look at them and smile because it was so peaceful and calming to just see them happy and enjoying life. When I get older that's what I look forward too. I want to sit there with my wife on a swing and just swing away and not have to worry about a thing. I want to just be able to live my life the way I want to just how my grandfather lived life how he wanted too. 

The last time I saw my grandfather and when he passed, I knew he was in a much better place now and he will not have to suffer any more. I knew god had gained an amazing angel and he would look over me everyday from now on. He was such a great man and my dad and I always shared stories about him because we just loved talking about him. I feel as if he is still right next to me everyday of my life guiding me and pushing me to be the best I can be. Ever since he had left this world, I've had a fire to be better everyday of my life. I am thankful for you everyday grandpa! I love and miss you more than anything in this world!

Best 100 Sad Quotes And Saying That Will Make You Cry - Quotes Hacks


  1. This is Christiana...
    I can relate with being an emotional mess after writing my personal essay but I'm glad I wrote it because it helped speed up the healing process and I felt better writing about it. From your post, I could tell you were close to your grandpa. I do believe he's in a better place watching over you.


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