Lessons Learned VIA Microtheme

 Monday, September 20, 2021

    Lessons Learned VIA Microtheme

After writing my Microtheme, I believe that I learned a lot and to not overthink my writing. My microtheme, I believe was well written and I was very happy with the way it turned out. For it being my first time ever writing a microtheme, there really wasn't many changes I had to make to my paper. I wrote about college athletes and why they should get paid, but I also hit on key points on why they shouldn't get paid either. Being able to write in a new way just makes me feel that much more confident in my writing. 

There are only 3 sports that actually have an income and would possibly be able to pay athletes. But baseball, the sport I play does not make profit it actually loses money, so therefore I will not be able to make any money besides scholarships for academics and athletics. Overall, I have learned that athletes should be happy with the scholarships they receive and it is a bonus for students to be athletes as well. I couldn't be more proud or happier in myself because I have worked so hard and looking at college debt, I am not going to be looking at a lot. I am so happy that this is the situation I am in because many people are in debt for years upon years and I won't be looking at any debt if any. 

Academics and playing sports are a great thing because you can get academic money and depending on the level of ball you play, you can get athletic money as well. This is the best feeling to have when college is cheaper for you and you aren't having to worry about college debt in the long run. Purdue University Northwest so far has been so fun and even though I am not getting paid, I am getting scholarship money to help me pay for college. 

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  1. Nice! When you write, "Being able to write in a new way just makes me feel that much more confident in my writing", I hear you using this reflective writing productively. You're identifying what works for you. For most of us, new things may be scary, but when we work at it and succeed, we grow. Well done, Blaze!


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