Blaze Cano's Blog

    Wednesday, September 8, 2021

The New Beginning 

After the long summer, I had multiple offers to play both baseball and football throughout the country. After a long thought decision by my family and I, we believed it was for my best interest to further my academic and athletic career at North Park University in Chicago, Illinois. Well that all changed last minute. I arrived to North Park and was hating every second of it. I couldn't grasp why. As the day kept going, my day kept getting worse. Once all the meetings for football had ended I was finally in my dorm room at 10 p.m.. I called my mom and told her I had to leave. The amount of emotions that were going through me were making me sad and mad at myself. I told her not to tell my dad because I would figure things out. She ended up telling my dad and he called me at 6 a.m. and said, "You better figure this out kid!" The tone he had, had me startled. I was making phone calls all morning to coaches and pretty much all the coaches were still willing to accept me. I narrowed my two options down to Kankakee Community College and Purdue University Northwest. I stuck with my gut feeling and said I am going to Purdue University Northwest. 

Ever since I have been here at Purdue University Northwest, I have been nothing but welcomed and appreciated. I am very excited with my decision to transfer schools and not play football anymore as well. Even though, I thought it was just the beginning of a young career for myself playing football, I knew it was time to give it up and focus on baseball. I had two weeks to get everything straightened out for me to play ball at PNW so everyday for about three hours I was doing stuff to ensure I would be able to play my freshman year. For only being here for the three weeks I've been here I love being here. I get to commute and it's about a forty five minute drive for me everyday, but in my eyes it is worth every second of it. Even though I thought my dad would hate me for my last minute decision, he knows I made the best decision possible out of it. 

Being able to see all my friends and family, while grinding in the classroom and on the baseball diamond is the best thing I could've ever done. Transferring out of North Park University was the best decision I have ever made in my life. I have made a lot of stupid mistakes in my life, but coming to PNW to play baseball a Division two school, I couldn't be more proud of myself and all the adversity I have faced. I defeated all the adversity and I have been stress free ever since stepping foot in my dads car to go home. 

Image result for north park university


  1. I'm so glad thins are better here at PNW! When I read, "I arrived to North Park and was hating every second of it. I couldn't grasp why," I nearly burst into tears. I know that gut confrontation with the truth. Glad you listened!

    Also, style-wise, maybe consider a different font/color arrangement? I would like to make it easier for your readers to appreciate your words :)


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