
Showing posts from September, 2021

Personal Essay

 Monday, September 27, 2021      Personal Essay After writing my rough draft of my essay, I am feeling happy that I will receive a good grade, but I also an emotional mess about what I wrote about. I wrote about how my grandfather had passed away from cancer, but I needed to write about it and just let out my emotions. I've been holding all of this in for just a little under a year now and for me to write about him just let some weight off of my shoulders. It was so stressful because doctors were never giving us straight answers about what was going on and it was an emotional roller coaster for me while we thought he would get better and then he would get worse. I am very thankful for the man he was and what he had done for our family.  One thing I remembered which he always loved to do was go outside with my grandmother and they would just go on the swing and swing away. They would sit there and look at the bright blue sky during the day and at night they would star gaze and look

Lessons Learned VIA Microtheme

 Monday, September 20, 2021     Lessons Learned VIA Microtheme After writing my Microtheme, I believe that I learned a lot and to not overthink my writing. My microtheme, I believe was well written and I was very happy with the way it turned out. For it being my first time ever writing a microtheme, there really wasn't many changes I had to make to my paper. I wrote about college athletes and why they should get paid, but I also hit on key points on why they shouldn't get paid either. Being able to write in a new way just makes me feel that much more confident in my writing.  There are only 3 sports that actually have an income and would possibly be able to pay athletes. But baseball, the sport I play does not make profit it actually loses money, so therefore I will not be able to make any money besides scholarships for academics and athletics. Overall, I have learned that athletes should be happy with the scholarships they receive and it is a bonus for students to be athletes

The Final Weeks of Lake Days

Wednesday, September 15, 2021     The Final Weeks of Lake Days After a long, fun, exhausting summer, the lake days are finally coming to an end. When we put in our boats and jet skis at the end of April, that is when we start to get after it on the lake. Multiple hours of wakeboarding, tubing, surfing, and riding the jet skis always comes to an end at the end of September. Lake days for me are the best days because I finally get peace and quiet from everything else happening in my life. During the summer I have summer ball which I play for the whole summer and getting time away from baseball is a great thing for my brain to finally cool down. I play baseball year round and when I'm finally able to get some time to myself and enjoy life a little, the lake is the first place I go. If it's just me by myself riding on the jet ski or me and a bunch of my buddies tubing, I am finally able to have a different kind of fun.  Since I am so consumed with baseball, it's been hard tryin

Blaze Cano's Blog

    Wednesday, September 8, 2021 The New Beginning  After the long summer, I had multiple offers to play both baseball and football throughout the country. After a long thought decision by my family and I, we believed it was for my best interest to further my academic and athletic career at North Park University in Chicago, Illinois. Well that all changed last minute. I arrived to North Park and was hating every second of it. I couldn't grasp why. As the day kept going, my day kept getting worse. Once all the meetings for football had ended I was finally in my dorm room at 10 p.m.. I called my mom and told her I had to leave. The amount of emotions that were going through me were making me sad and mad at myself. I told her not to tell my dad because I would figure things out. She ended up telling my dad and he called me at 6 a.m. and said, "You better figure this out kid!" The tone he had, had me startled. I was making phone calls all morning to coaches and pretty much al