
Showing posts from October, 2021

Making The Spring Baseball Team

Thursday, October 21, 2021  Making the Spring Baseball Team On Tuesday, October 19th, I had an exit meeting for fall baseball for Purdue University Northwest. It was a quick five minute meeting, but it had me on the balls of my feet. I was so anxious as to whether or not I had made the Spring baseball team. Coach Dave said he was only taking 35 for the whole Spring, but only 20-25 for the travel roster. When coach had called me in at 9:15 a.m. I was starting to get very nervous if I had made both the spring team and the travel roster. I was thinking to myself in a very positive way and I knew I could do it, but it was in coaches hands. Would he take me for both? Coach had started to speak and he asked me, "How do you think the fall went for you?"  I said, "I believe I had a pretty good fall, but I need to work on hitting still." Coach said, "I agree, you also need to work on bunting and maintain your speed." I agreed with coach and he then proceeded to say

Documentary Project Reflection Questions

Wednesday, October 13, 2021 Documentary Project Reflection Questions  1. Was there a specific scene that got to you? Describe and explain how it moved you (Angry? Curious? Delighted? Motivated?). Give a lot of detail, and really dive in to how it affected you. Don’t hold back.  --The scene that had got to me the most was when they had a beautiful coral reef and then they transitioned it to a dying coral reef. I loved seeing the colors of the coral reef and then they switched it to a dying coral reef really got to me most. I am hoping these scientists are able to help save the coral reef because the wildlife need it and we need it. The coral reef is a home for these animals and it helps the people as well because the people fish and need to get food to live as well. The climate change is also a big factor in the coral reef dying and we need to find ways to save the reef.   2. What surprised you? Why do you think it caught you off guard?  --The thing that surprised me was how alive this

Birthday Week

 Monday, October 4, 2021     Birthday Week Last week Friday, October 1, 2021 was my birthday. I was expecting a big weekend going out with friends and having a good time. I ended up doing absolutely nothing. I relaxed all day in bed and did not do a thing. I went out with friends on Saturday, but Friday I did not. I just turned nineteen years old and it felt like another day. I don't feel any older than before which is a good thing. My body just needed a break from everything and it got a nice break on Friday.  I watched the show Squid Games and it is one of the best shows I've ever seen. The action that is within it is unbelievable and I am very happy that this show came out, but I need more episodes because I already watched all of them! I am not a big television person either. I do not watch anything unless it is NFL games or when I am very bored. But this show is had me hooked and I could not stop watching it. By far one of my top three shows that I have ever watched.  Last